Aloha Hawaiʻi Fiction Writers!
My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes go out to all the talented writers in this amazing group as we begin yet another new year. There was so much growth, boundless creativity, and inspiring literary work produced by so many of you in 2023. I am increased by the creative works youʻve shared.
As I look forward to what 2024 may bring, I am encouraged by the passion and skills this community consistently demonstrates. Your voices and visions are so important.
May your creative fires burn brightly in 2024. Your muse will guide you to create works that transport, challenge, and delight readers. Keep finding joy in the process and the craft you love. Looking forward to seeing the new books, poems, and creations of our talented, inspirational community.
Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I wish you all a productive, uplifting, and banner year! Keep shining!
A hui hou!

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